Stitching – Success Stories – May 2022

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You may recollect that in Aug 2021, we had started with training school for tailoring for 45 ladies from Janathepada. Since then, they have ensured that the sewing machines given to them are fully utilized and they acquire the skill as soon as possible.
In the month of April 2022, 5-6 of these females purchased sewing machines themselves and have started doing their small-time business with that. We had given them 30 meter cloth so that once their formal training is over, they can make something sensible and usable from that. Given below are some of the photos from houses of these females who have purchased their own (second-hand) machines. They stitch blouses and petticoats for themselves and for others.
Now they feel empowered enough and want to buy some material and sell stitched articles in their villages, on their own. They requested us to help them purchase the cloth and other material at good rate from Mumbai (kapada bazar) – which we would happily oblige.
We are really pleased with an idea that they decided on their own in investing in purchase of the machines (though second-hand) themselves and now gathering strength and courage to start some small business. To start with, they would stitch article, pack it well and sell it through one small Kirana stall in their village. It is a very encouraging success story. We would also like to help them reach to larger selling market and lower cost purchase cost of raw material.
One of our friends from fashion industry had given us industrial sewing machines. We have given one of them to a lady from Janathepada (who was already knew stitching earlier). She is very pleased with the machine and the speed with which that machine helps her do the job. Her productivity has increased with that and effectively, she is able to complete her work in much lesser time now.
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