Khomarpada – Solar for farmers

Khomarpada – Solar for farmers

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Khomarpada is one of our villages which is progressive towards improvement of livelihood using farming and other businesses complementing to farming. This is because of the drive and lot of hard work by our teacher Shri Babu More – supported by non-profits and government machinery.

This initiative could stop migration of at least 200 farmers – which increased the need to work on improving farmers’ efficiency, ease of operations, automation etc. Availability of full-time electricity and also reducing the cost of the power required, was one such need.

It was decided that farmers would pitch-in third of the total cost; one gentleman donor would pitch-in third; and Suhrid Foundation would pitch-in third of the cost – to install solar system to operate motor for water and other electrical requirements. Our partner, Rotary Club of Bombay Bayview, pitched-in with us to support. We thanks them for their support in taking the farming and livelihood of farmers to a next level.

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