Khandeghar – Our New Tailoring Training Center

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After seeing very positive response from women of Janathepada on their interest in learning tailoring, we realized that we can extend this to other villages as well. We discussed possibility of the same for Khandeghar. Our nursing staff from Khandeghar clinic spoke to females of the nearby hamlets. The response was amazing and more than 40 females had shown keen interest in learning the skill.
Our trainer from Janathepada agreed to come twice a week to Khandeghar for training them. We purchased 4 new machines and moved one more from Janathepada (did not need many there) and started this training center on 7-Dec-22. With 5 machines and 40+ ladies, we had to run batches four batches of 2-hours each in a day.
Our trainer regularly visits Khandeghar and takes classroom session and also on-the-machine training. Our trainer is very happy with response she has received from the ladies of Khandeghar.
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