Joy-ride to school

Joy-ride to school

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You may know, schools in the remote areas of India could be far from houses of students who attend it. But by any means, could you imagine a student of 8th standard walking 7-8km one-way to school? And extending the imagination – how would you maintain motivation (especially in summers or monsoon) to go to school if you were in that student’s position?

Well, above was the punch-line, to get your attention. While this need not a case for all of them, almost each one of the student has to walk at least 3km one-way to their secondary school. We worked with teachers in three villages and prepared a list – short-listed those who had to talk at least 4km one-way and gave them with bicycles. These bicycles are for them to keep and they have to hand -it-over (so long it is in usable condition) to a sibling or fellow-student to use, in case their situation changes for some reason. We distributed full-size, new bicycles to 25 students in 3 villages.

On behalf of these kids and their families, we thank Rotary Club of Bombay Bayview – our financial partner to the cause. In addition to making this a fun-ride to school and maintaining motivation for these kids, bicycles would help to save their time for studies or other activities with their families.

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