Atul Wangad Eye Surgery – Apr 2019

Atul Wangad Eye Surgery – Apr 2019

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In this article, we are sharing the story of another Kid, Atul Wangad, who went through a major eye surgery in the second week of April 2019. Atul Wangad is 10 year old kid from Wangadpada (Taluka Vikramgadh). He is from a poor family. His father is out almost 6 to 7 months in a year to earn money. Till last year, he was not part of Suhrid foundation supported school. After he moved to our Guravpada school, his teacher found low vision during the annual eye test, which we conduct. His vision was perfect in one eye, wherein there was NO vision in the other eye.

He was brought to Jyotirmay Clinic Thane last year, wherein Dr Mihir Kothari confirmed that it was a case of traumatic cataract and had zero vision. Only redeeming factor was that it was curable. On the detailed inquiry, his father told that while climbing a guava tree, accidentally a thin stick pierced through his right eye and ruptured the lens. In his father’ s absence his mother took him to local hospital, wherein he got the initial treatment. Though doctor asked his mother to go for advanced treatment, either due to lack of knowledge or lack of money, they did not take any step. Since his other eye was good, they did not see any abnormalities per se later and it remain unattended.

Based on Mihir sir’s instructions, we went for all the preoperative checks at Jupiter Netralaya Thane and the operation was conducted by Dr Mihir Kothari on 11th April, 2019. Apart from restoring the vision, Sir has also corrected a noticeable squint. He is able to clearly see now and vision can further improve. Apart from providing his medical expertise, I must state that Dr Mihir Kothari and his staff handled this case with complete ownership.

These tribal kids have to travel for 3 hours on way to reach Mumbai and live in not so good condition. We got maximum support to handle the challenges in this kind of situation by Mihir Sir and his staff. Post operative care is very important. We have given very thorough instructions in Marathi to his father and Atul’s teacher has personally supervised the  post operative treatment. I am sharing the post by his teacher Dashrath Dhumal, who should be given full credit for identifying the problem and helping in all the phases of surgery.  You can see a short video, wherein we checked his vision post the surgery. Priceless moment.

जि.प. शाळा गुरवपाडा
आमचा 5 वीतील विद्यार्थी अतुल रमेश वांगड.  वय -11 वर्ष.. लहान असताना या मुलांना डोळ्याला जखम झाली (काडी लागली) त्यानंतर त्याच्या आई-वडिलांनी त्याला पैसे नसल्याने दवाखान्यात दाखवले नाहीत त्यामुळे त्याचा एक डोळा निकामी झाला होता….

अतुल वांगड हा जिल्हा परिषद शाळा गुरवपाडा येथे याच वर्षी म्हणजे सन 2018-19 ला  5 वीत शाळेत दाखल झाला त्यानंतर suhrid फाउंडेशनच्या वतीने जरवर्षी प्रमाणे शाळेत डोळे तपासण्यात आले त्यामध्ये अतुल याच्या डोळ्याचा दोष आहे असे  समजले. अतुल वांगड याला पुढील फॉलोअप घेण्यासाठी किंवा एक्स्ट्रा ट्रीटमेंट घेण्यासाठी विक्रमगड येथे ऑप्टिकल मध्ये त्याचे डोळे तपासण्यात आले त्यामध्ये अतुलच्या डोळ्याला 0 % दिसते.. यांनी अतुल यास पुढील ट्रीटमेंटसाठी घेऊन जावा असे सांगितले…… त्यानंतर त्याला ठाणे येथे 2-3 वेळा घेऊन जाऊन अतुल याच्या डोळ्याचा एक्स-रे, ब्लड, फिटनेस, इतर ऑपरेशन साठी लागणारी सर्व तपासणी करण्यात आली……. सर्व तपासण्या झाल्यानंतर डॉक्टर ऑपरेशन करण्याची तारीख दिली…. दिनांक 11 एप्रिल 2019 ला सकाळी 10:30 वाजता ऑपरेशन करण्यात आले……

गेल्या 1 वर्षाच्या Suhrid फाउंडेशनच्या नियमित फॉलोअप नंतर आज ठाणे येथील ""ज्युपिटर हॉस्पिटल; मध्ये यातील प्रख्यात तज्ञ डॉ. मिहीर कोठारी सर यांच्याकडे या मुलाच्या डोळ्यांवर ऑपरेशन सक्सेसफुल झाले. अर्थात सर्व व्यवस्था, प्रवास, लाखो  रुपयांची फी, Suhrid टीम, व इतर सर्व व्यवस्था  अतुलच्या डोळ्याचे ऑपरेशन च्या मागे होते….कारण  अतुल चे आई बाबा गरीब असल्याने किंवा  पैसे नसल्याने ऑपरेशन करणारच नव्हते…..त्यामुळे त्याचा एक डोळा जीवनभर अंधळाच राहिला असता हे ऑपरेशन फक्त सुहद फौंडेशन मुळेच शक्य झाले…

अतुलला आता दोन्ही डोळ्याने 100% दिसायला लागले आहे त्यामुळे त्याचे येणारे आयुष्य नक्कीच सुकर होणार. Suhrid फाऊंडेशनचे आभार मानावे तेवढे कमीच आहेत.. आम्ही Suhrid टीम चे  शतशः ऋणी आहोत.

…..खुप खुप धन्यवाद….

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