Kalampada and Nandelpada School Parents Meeting

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Post Diwali, once parents of kids are generally free from their work on their farms, we arrange meeting with parents in all our schools. In parents meeting, we try to cover multiple topics including taking few basic hygiene related care, noticing few health related things and bring it to teachers/our doctors’ notice, areas in which we want their support, areas in which they should expect support from us, what kind of projects we have executed in school and other villages, things they can learn from other villages etc. While doing this, we also communicate with them on who we are, where do we get our funding, what they can expect from us. Teachers also put across our work done in different perspective to parents.
Parents have shown interest in working on multiple livelihood and earning related projects – such as working on water resource management so that they can work on second crop. They have promised to approach us on these projects.