Annual Review Meeting-2016-17

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This was our last visit of the academic year 2016-17 to Vikramgadh. The agenda was to meet all the teachers, recap the achievements of the year, identify the areas wherein we have scope for improvement and plan for the future.
The key achievements of the year are as under.
- Managed 743 kids from 11 schools and 25 small kids from 2 anganwadis
- Had Two Medical camps for the school kids and one camp for girls from Dadade Ashram Shala
- Distributed Cycles in each schools
- Launched water projects in two schools
- Distributed Lights, fans and water purifiers in all the schools
- Distribution books and charts in all the schools
- Eye camp for all the kids. 35 Kids were given spectacles
- Introduced Cross-stitching / Embroidery for the young girls at Kaspada
While the basic facilities are available for running the school, maintaining a clean and attractive environment is a big challenge for the teachers. Moreover, making parents not only send the kids to the schools but even take care of them at home is even a bigger challenge. Suhrid foundation has helped each school get a good shape in terms of its appearance and the basic needs by providing infrastructure support, overhead water tank with distribution facility, regular supply of medicine for first aid at the school, Nutritious enhancement of the mid-day meal, sports items including lot of indoor games and library in each school with attractive set of books. Most of the teachers indicated that almost all the kids from the village attend the schools now (the percentage was as low as 40% at times). The attendance is almost 98% on an average. Kids have developed the habit of cleaning their hands before eating, washing the teeth, daily bath and maintaining good hygiene in general. Their parents have started taking interest in these areas, which was very rare. The most noticeable change in the kids was related to the increase in the confidence. They were not able to even communicate in their mother-tongue earlier. Not only they communicate well, they are able to read out stories in the class, prepare and deliver lengthy speeches in front of huge audience. We also observed improved interaction and support from the parents over a period of time.
Apart from continuing the regular projects, we have identified various areas, wherein we would spend our time and energy in the next year. Some of those are listed hereunder
- Furniture in all the schools – Cupboards, tables, chairs etc.
- Infrastructure – Compound wall, Gates, Water Projects etc.
- Bigger Library in each school – Addition of Books.
- Special Nutrition for the kids, who would participate in the sports events.
- Special training for teachers from experienced teachers in the area.
- Tracking of talented kids, who would live our schools.
- Primary Health Care Center
- Advanced Ophthalmology Camp
We have been able to achieve these results only because of support from the donors and invaluable contribution from the teachers. Our association with these teachers have been for over four years and they have been able to use our support to raise the standard of schools to a very high level. We have been able to bring in changes in the lives of the underprivileged tribal kids, who are part of our schools. However, if we are not able support them in their future, then this effort would be waste. We would be working hard to devise strategy to support all the deserving kids, even after they leave our schools.