Phonics Training – Aug 2023

Phonics Training – Aug 2023

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Even though learning Marathi and English, both are equal “foreign” to tribal children for all our schools, Marathi gets picked-up fast when interacted with people in town or with teachers in a year. However, learning English remains a challenge. In last 9 years or so, our experiment of teaching Phonics to these children has paid-off well. Teachers could observe exemplary improvement in learning English. Our friend and supporting teacher Ms Krishna Sheth has taught teachers in both level-1 and level-2 of Phonics in last 9 years – with refresher sessions being taken every alternate years.

This year as well, on 26-Aug-2023, a session was conducted. We wanted it to be propagated in the area to as many schools as possible and hence we invited interested teachers from other schools as well (even if not otherwise directly supported by us). Though intense, both sessions was well received, with lunch-break in-between. We thank Ms Krishna Sheth, teachers for support. Children get benefitted a lot with this. Sharing few of the links below which our teachers enthusiastically share to let us know about the benefits.

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