TPP-KP-NP-TP Medical Camp-Phase 2

TPP-KP-NP-TP Medical Camp-Phase 2

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Second phase of the health check up camp included Toplepada, Talyachapada, Kaspada and Nandelpada. The camp started with a school at Janathepada and Toplepada before lunch time. This was followed by camp at Kaspada. In Kaspada, school kids from Nandelpada and Talyachapada also joined. In this camp, we covered 215 children in the entire day.

The overall medical health of the children had improved. It was evident that initiatives are running well and there is improvement in their overall health. Issue related to cold, cough and its ignorance remain. This needs to be driven through parents of the children, which we would cover during our parents meetings subsequently.

There were 6 children who were identified for possible advanced medical treatment if the given medicines do not improve on their condition. Doctors would verify with teachers again after a week or 10 days to see if there are any children who need to be checked up further for their identified illness.

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