Kaspada Talyachapada – Parents meeting

Kaspada Talyachapada – Parents meeting

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Team Suhrid made a visit to our catchment area on 23rd Nov, 2014. This was our first visit after the long Diwali vacation.  The primary objectives of the visit were:

  • Conduct Parents meet at Talyachapada / Kaspada
  • Advance Treatment follow up
  • Launching various infrastructure projects
  • Planning of camp at Arvind Ashram Shala, Dadade
  • Review of overall progress and future planning

Parents meeting

Talyachapada Anganwadi was used for the parents meet.  Around 45 parents turned up for the same.  Local teachers Ajit Gonate and Kishore Patil explained the objectives of Suhrid foundation, work done so far, plans for the future and the expectations.  Parents were requested to ensure

  • Kids have regular meals. Inclusion of Vegetables at home would help.
  • Kids get clean dress. Kids maintain good hygiene at home.
  • Kids drink purified water at regular interval.
  • Any illness (as small as normal cold) needs to be treated if not recovered in few days
  • Parents help teachers during infrastructure projects.
  • If they grow vegetables, they can give to schools at lower rates.

The response was overwhelming. As per their representatives, team Suhrid has helped them create an extremely strong foundation for the kids. We distributed prizes to all the talented kids in the presence of their parents, which boosted the confidence of the kids and made their parents feel proud. Ritin Shah from Team Suhrid spoke about our future plans, expectations by our donors, expectations from the parents and other villagers.

Advanced Treatment follow up

Our doctors had ear-marked around 50 kids for advance treatment during the camps, held in Sept and Oct. Out of these 50, at least 25 were from Talyachapada and Kaspada. Dr Lipsa examined not only those kids in details, but also others (kids from different school or old ladies from the village as well), resulting into impromptu mini medical camp. The key points from this mini camp are as under:

  • Constant Ignorance of chronic cough and cold have resulted in kids developing ear related problems. ENT specialist would examine them at Mumbai.
  • Quite a few kids had eye problems (Squint, Amblyopia ..), which would be further examined at Palghar.
  • Some kids showed neurological disorder as well. They would be treated in Mumbai.
  • One of the kids (Not from our school) had noticed small wound in June, 2014. They tried some local remedy but all in vain. The condition had worsened to such an extent that surgery seemed to be the only option. Our doctors did the dressing and provided some medicines. Poor resistance (lack of minerals and Vitamins in the food), Exposing wound to dirt and contaminated water, trying our unconventional treatment and constant ignorance lead to this kind of complications. Our doctor also examined a lady (hardly 30), who had extremely enlarged thyroid, which could have been avoided if she had been given treatment in time.

We have around 630 kids under our supervision. These kids get regular nutritious food, medicines for deworming, Regular medical checkup and medicines. Hence, we have got more control on their problems. However, others are completely deprived of these. If we are able to create a small primary Health Care center for a cluster of the villages, many complications can trapped in the early stage.

Launch of Infrastructure Projects

  • Water Project at Kaspada – Though there is no scarcity of water in this area, they don’t have provision of water storage or taps. They need lot of water for cleaning the floors/ utensils, Cooking, toilet, drinking and gardening. We can’t expect kids to manage the same from the well. Hence, team Suhrid provided donation for the water project, which would ensure electric motor based extraction of ground water, transmission, storage into overhead tanks and distribution to multiple locations.  We expect this project to complete in Jan, 2015.
  • Gate at Talyachapada –  This school has got very good infrastructure,. However, in the absence of a proper gate, they have not been able to make a good flower garden or grow vegetables. At times, there is a fear of animals getting very close to the school kids. Team Suhrid have sponsored the gate for the school. We expect them to be ready with the gardens in next two months.
  • Compound at Guravpada – This is one of the biggest school with around 117 kids. They have enough space for growing vegetables or making a garden. However, the area is not enclosed as yet. We have decided to sponsor the same.


  • Team Suhrid plans to conduct a medical camp for 350 girls from Arvind Ashram Shala Dadade in the last week of Dec, 2014. Team Suhrid met the warden and initiated the process.
  • Team Suhrid distributed crayons in each school. The teachers have to conduct a drawing competition for senior and junior students separately. Winners would be given the prizes during the subsequent parents meet in Jan, 2015

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