Jolly Phonics Training – Feb 2020

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This year, we had added two new schools with few new teachers joining-in in our existing schools. This made us important to have re-training session for Phonics this year i.e. Level-1 as well as Level-2. We decided to have this session at the beautiful premise of Kaspada.
There are around 18 to 20 teachers, who are associated with Suhrid Foundation. Their biggest challenge is to teach the language to the kids. All the kids come from Warli community, wherein they speak tribal language at home. Their language does not have too many words and their expressive power is low by default. Even Marathi, which is main language for teaching, itself is a sort of alien language to them. The teachers have been able to introduce Marathi kids. As a part of their curriculum, the kids are expected to study English words in 4th and 5th standard.
To facilitate the easier learning of English, we provided the services of a professional tutor – Ms Krishna Sheth. This was more of a train the trainer course of Jolly phonics, wherein the kids can learn to recognize the letters using the sound, associated reading with it. We conduct the sessions every year and found tremendous benefits. The course gained so much of popularity that even our teachers conducted classes for the other teachers in the region.
We would be conducting more courses on self development once the academic year is complete.
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