Advanced Eye Check up

Advanced Eye Check up

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We had finished our initial screening of the students at the school in the first week of Oct, 2017. We had identified 13 students, who were to be taken to Vikramgadh for the second round of testing with the trained optometrist. We take the critical cases, identified in the second round of screening to the experts in Mumbai.

Incidentally, majority of the eye problems were observed from a specific area Kaspada. Only 20% of the kids have less than -1. Rest all have -1 and high. We need to figure out the reason for more eye related issues in this area. At the same time, the progression of the problem is quite instant. One of the kids from Talyachapada had very mild eye problem last year. He seemed to have suffered some severe disease viz Malaria or Typhoid later. His number has almost gone in the region of -8. We have cases of two brothers, who have parents and siblings with exceptionally healthy eyes. However, both the brothers have very severe myopia and astigmatism. Hence, the issues cant called hereditary.

During the 18th Nov 2017 visit, these kids were examined by a trained optometrist at Vikramgadh. All of them got glasses. In some  old cases, slight change in the number was found. Visual acuity of a few kids improved over a period. While the optometrist uses refractometer to get the approximate readings, fine-tuning the same is quite a challenge! It starts with the language problem. Similarly, kids are not able to clearly state whether glass one was better or glass 2. One needs to repeat the test multiple times to get correct result.

We had taken up another initiative just before the Diwali. Our school kids participate in sport competition at different levels. We decided to boost their team spirit and morale in the best possible manner. We distributed 214 T Shirts and shorts with their school names written on the back. Their self esteem and confidence was at the different level. Additionally, we supplied pain-relief spray, protein supplements and Glucon D packets to be used during the sports events.

Chetan Tokare (Nystagmus patient) had multiple complications viz Optical nerve atrophy, Nystagmus [Shaking eyes], High myopia and high compound astigmatism. We were able to get the last two corrected with the help of high index glasses. Eye shaking was controlled with eye drops (brinzolamide ophthalmic suspension).  He has to take the drops thrice a day. It takes 45 minutes to see the best effect, which remains constant for another one and half hour and the tapers off. Hence, we need to repeat the same after every four hours. Chetan and his brother were brought to Mumbai on 21st Nov 2017 to get the examination done at Dr Mihir Kothari. It was first time visit for Kiran and follow up visit for Chetan.  Doctor found good control in Chetan’s eyes. Optometry showed reduction in astigmatism and constant vision. Doctor advised to consider surgery to improve the eye functions.

Results of a few Students after having given the spectacles.

S.No Names Before After Remarks
Left Right Left Right  
1 Sainath Kenjara 6/9 6/9 6/6 6/6 Can read 7th line (Earlier 6th)
2 Durga Tokare 6/9 6/12 6/6 6/6 Can read 7th line (Earlier 5th)
3 Monika Aheda 6/18 6/18 6/9 6/9 Can read 6th line (Earlier 4th)
4 Vikas Gharpade 6/36 6/36 6/12 6/12 Can read 5th line (Earlier 3rd)
5 Sagar Tokare 6/18 6/12 6/9 6/9 Can read 6th line (Earlier 4th)
6 Snehal Tokare 6/18 6/18 6/9 6/9 Can read 6th line (Earlier 4th)
7 Chetan Tokare 6/60 6/60 6/18 6/18 Can read 4th line (Earlier 1st)
8 Manoj Kenjara 6/36 6/36 6/12 6/12 Can read 5th line (Earlier 3rd)
9 Manisha U 6/18 6/18 6/9 6/9 Can read 6th line (Earlier 4th)


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