Khandeghar Women Get Self-reliant

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After completion of one batch of training at Khandeghar, few women from Khanipada (sister village of Khandeghar) had shown interest in starting training centre in their own village. We agreed and moved some sewing machines from Khandeghar centre to start another centre at Khanipada which is around 1.5km from Khandeghar. Meeting with women and few interested men happened on 11-Mar-2023.
Since August 2021, we had taken up training of females for tailoring using sewing machines and so far, we have trained around 75-80 females on the same in three villages – Janathepada, Khandeghar and Khanipada. While it was like a learning new skill for some, few of them realized that as an option to earn livelihood as well. Four such females from Khandeghar (and Khanipada) came forward to indicate their inclination for the same. We encouraged them by giving them a subsidy in purchasing sewing machines of their own – i.e. they can get brand new sewing machine from Suhrid Foundation if they can contribute partially towards the same. The partial contribution was symbolic so that they own it with pride and also make a serious attempt to generate livelihood using the new sewing machine.
Four females – Kalpana Pagi, Shubhangi Vadu, Darshana Bhurkud and Suchitra Baraf received their machines on 21st May and are marching towards self-reliant life. A satisfaction of a true women empowerment. We wish them all the best. We thank our sponsors/ Support, Shri Bolbala Trust and also KPSNA team.