Vikramgad – School Furniture Distribution

Vikramgad – School Furniture Distribution

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As a part of our commitment to support schools, one of the important focus was on making the school environment cleaner. All the schools in the region do not have appropriate storage resources, therefore, all documents, education materials, sports equipment etc were lying in open or on the shelves in the walls. Teachers did not have proper chairs and desks for themselves. We, at Suhrid Foundation, constantly strive to help making teachers and children’s environment so as to generate sense of belonging and self respect among them.

In this process, Suhrid Foundation had approached various Corporates and organisations who, as a part of their CSR, may want to support these schools through Suhrid Foundation. Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is one such organisation who has helped by donating some of its old furniture to our schools. Ashida Electronics (through Rotary Club Thane) also donated 2 steel cupboards.

The furniture was shifted on 20th December 2014 from Thane in three pick-up trucks. Those were loaded from two TCS warehouses and also Ashida Electronics location. Following furniture was delivered to different schools:

School Furniture provided
Kaspada 1 Wooden cupboard + 1 Steel cupboard
Nandelpada 1 Wooden cupboard + 1 Steel Cupboard
Talyachapada 1 Book Rack
Bahirampada Wooden cupboard
Toplepada Wooden cupboard
Palavpada Two bedside drawers
Janathepada Two Bedside drawers + 2 revolving chair
Palavpada Anantpur One wooden cupboard
Khandeghar One loft (horizontal) + 2 revolving chairs
Guravpada 1 Big cupboard + TV stand


Teachers from schools feel that this would be very useful and help manage the schools better. They have even shared some of the pictures showing impact i.e. how earlier untidy setup could be turned into a tidy set up.

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