All School Optometry and Khandeghar Check Dam

All School Optometry and Khandeghar Check Dam

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Just before Diwali, we had completed the first round of eye checkup at the school level.  Our teachers had identified 35 cases. During this visit, the teachers brought the kids to Vikramgad for the optometric test.  This process had started almost 2 years back and the kids are quite comfortable dealing with refractrometer and actual optometric tests.  Out of 35 kids, 18 got the spectacles, 7 have been asked to revisit for the checkup after 6 months. Rest of the cases were borderline cases and may not need spectacles.  The kids, who had been wearing glasses regularly showed remarkable improvement in visual acuity. Example: Two kids, who had 6/9 and 6/12 visual acuity with glasses, were able to go to 6/6 after one year.  At the same, we could see the degradation in the vision of those, who did not wear the glasses regularly. We have identified two kids for further advance tests.

Our parallel visit was at Khandeghar to meet with villagers, to review their need for water related problems and see how Suhrid Foundation can support. THe meeting was very fruitful. We once again visited th e possible place for the small check dam which would help retain water for longer. Currently there is a small cement check dam which is built by government authorities. The level of that dam is low and also ground level in the waterbed has increased which may require some desilting. Support and enthusiasm from the village team was very high. Lot of people got along to see the place and also contribute with their ideas. They indicated that all the stakeholders are keen to get this work done this summer.

We decided to meet with the village people again towards March 2017 and firm up the plan for the check dam and water conservation.

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