Guvapada-Nandelpada Parents Meeting

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Team Suhrid visited Guravpada and Nandelpada on18th Jan, 2014. The main objective was to meet the parents of the school kids, discuss current and future initiatives, take their feedback and communicate our expectations. Since Ms Sushmita Tembe was in Mumbai, we decided to complete Tetanus injection administration to the kids of Talyachapada as well.
Apart from the parents meet, team Suhrid also:
- Distributed prizes to the kids of Guravpada and Nandelpada, who performed well in the Dec Sports meet.
- Provided cleaning material to the school (Brooms, Mop, Phenol)
- Provided First Aid Box to Talyachapada / Medicines to all the schools.
Parents meet was line with our last visit. Please click here to read details about the parents visit
We would like to highlight some key observations of the last two visits here.
- The parents turn up in good numbers and show lot of confidence in the teachers, who are associated with Suhrid foundation. Parents acknowledged the improvement in the kids. During the prize distribution ceremony, team suhrid ensured that the parents also stand with the kid, while taking the prize. It made the parents proud of their kids and they felt motivated to support the kids to do better in the future.
- The tribal kids have become more confident now. While their health improved due to SUN project, they have become more cautious about their dress, appearance, cleanliness and hygiene. Their confidence reflect in their performance on and off the school. The kids competed with much older kids from the other school and did well. These kids used to be very shy expressing themselves earlier. However, the guidance by the teachers and holistic support from Suhrid foundation made them interact freely with others. They performed well in speech and plays at the Kendra level.
- Though these visits deal more with the introduction, awareness and preliminary feedback at the parent level, Team Suhrid needs to work closely with the teaches to ensure that the parents implement the suggestions. Close monitoring and reviews are must. Team Suhrid may play to have a part/full time employee in the catchment area to remain connected with the parents and help them implement the measures.
Immediate Plans
- Team Suhrid would arrange for the visit of 7 kids to Mumbai for the advanced medical attention for their ailments in the first week of February, 2014.
- Team Suhrid would visit Palavpada, Palavpada Anantpur and Bahirampada in the second week of Feb to conduct Parents’ meet.