Dolhari – Medical Camp

Dolhari – Medical Camp

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Team Suhrid had successfully conduced two big camps related to health and eye at Khand/Janathe Pada in addition to other follow-up camps in last six month. Apart from this, we helped the local schools in these regions, improve the infrastructure by providing fencing, gate, swing, Cupboards, Tables and computers. We also chalked out and launched the project SUN (Serving Undernourishment Needs) at Janathe Pada, which caters to the nutritional needs of the school kids.

Having achieved the initial objectives, team Suhrid decided to expand its horizon and replicate the model at other villages in Vikramgadh area. We identified the cluster of villages around Dolhari, which is roughly 105 Kms from Mumbai. With the help of local teachers, Sarpanch and responsible citizens, team Suhrid decided to have the first camp on 14th of April, 2013. There were a few more firsts in this camp. For the first time, we decided to have Health and Eye camp together at the large scale. Dolhari Gram Panchayat office was selected as the venue.

The response from the kids was exemplary. More than 325 kids were present for the camp even before it started. Team Suhrid rewarded them with the goodies bag at the end of the camp, which brought smile on every face. While team Suhrid got tremendous support from the locals, we realized that a lot is still to be done there. Successful execution of the camp at Dolhari laid the cornerstone towards the same.

Camp activity details

Parameter Value
Suhrid Foundation Medical Staff 5
Suhrid Foundation Volunteers 16
Total volunteers (including local support) 38
Villages covered 18
Volunteering hours spent 315
Patients checked 589

Medical Statistics

It was observed that more than 50% of children appeared to be undernourished. Some of the causes, risk factors because of which this can be attributed are:

  • Age of mother: 18 – 23 yrs (and also underweight mother)
  • Illiterate mother
  • More than three children
  • Less birth spacing (at times less than 2 yrs)
  • Low birth weight

While this was observed in children, this also was prevalent in large number of adults.
Prolonged malnutrition when extended to adults results into:

  • lower-limb weakness,
  • neuropathy,
  • hearing loss,
  • eye problems

From the perspective of eyes, acute Vitamin A deficiency, excessive exposure to ultra-violet rays in Sun, delaying the checkup or operation and complete negligence of the early signs – were the key reasons for the eyes related ailment. This also indicates that lack of  education and availability of healthcare services are the factors causing  this.

Parameter Value
Patients checked 589
Patients given tetanus vaccination 272
Patients checked for eyes 250
#8211; Patients requiring glasses 119 #8211; Patients identified for cataract 36

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