Mumbai – Advanced Eye Care

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We conduct eye checkup in three stages. First stage deals with the teachers doing the first round of screening at their schools. The suspect cases are brought to Vikramgadh for the testing by professional optician. The cases of high myopia or any other complex eye problems are then finally examined at Jyotirmay Clinic Thane. We had identified 7 kids for the advanced treatment. Five cases were old, wherein we had to follow up. There were two new cases, wherein the kids showed very poor vision in one eye.
Dr Mihir Kothari is a renowned pediatric ophthalmologist. He has been helping us since 2016 in handling the advanced cases of myopia amongst Suhrid Foundation kids.
We had published story of Atul Wangad, who had lost one of his eyes in a freak accident last year. He went through traumatic cataract operation, followed by the squint surgery. His vision of the affected eye improved and his visual acuity with glasses was 6/9. However, since he was using only one eye for more than a year, his binocular vision was impacted. In other words, while his impacted eye was able to see properly, whenever he used both the eyes, brain took signal from only one. Dr Mihir suggested visual therapy for a period of three months. We procured a device called Cheiroscope, which is used to improve the binocular vision. Atul practiced for two and half months and showed complete recovery during this visit.
Three kids showed complete stability of the vision, which included Chetan Tokare, who was operated for nystagmus last year. However, two new kids had far more severe problems than what we anticipated. One kid has almost lost his vision due to an infection induced by cat scratch. By the time, it was realized it was quite late. Lack of attention at the right moment lead to irreparable damage at quite early age.