Barafpada Eye Checkup

Barafpada Eye Checkup

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We had started conducting eye camps right from Jan 2013. We had conducted our initial camps for adults as well as kids. We used to have the camps with the help of ophthalmologists. In case of adults, it was easy to identify the problems (mostly cataract). However, they were not open for any surgery. With the kids, the challenge was quite different in the initial phase. We used to have couple of optometrists, who would conduct initial optometric test before taking the kids to the client. Making kids read the chart was quite difficult since they were uncomfortable talking to stranger, language barrier  or some different reason. Managing 700 kids in a day was next to impossible in that manner.

We decided to go for totally different approach. We purchased vision chart with letters in vernacular script. The kids were expected to read the chart (one eye at a time) from a distance of 6 meters. Since Kids were very comfortable with the teachers, we asked teachers to carry out the initial screening during school days. They were expected to only mention the lines, which kids were able to read from either eyes. We decided to consider the cases wherein the visual acuity was 6/9 or less. We used to find at least 6 to 7% kids with sub-optimal vision. We used to take them to Vikramgadh for computerized checking and fine tuning. We generally get 30 odd spectacles for the kids every year.

For the new school Barafpada, we conducted the mini eye camp on 1stoct 2017. Since the kids from 1st standard are not good at recognizing letters, we had to use the charts with pictures. The checkup was conducted for 55 (out of 63 kids). We could find 3 kids with deficient eyesight. At least, 6 were able to reach 6/9 with effort. We decided to wait for another  6 months to conduct next round of test to confirm the vision.

While the initial screening is done by teachers and us, we take services of ophthalmologists for next level of check-up, which involves detailed eye examination.We had identified a rarest of rare case, wherein the kid was suffering from Nystagmus. He was not able to read even first line due to high myopia and shaking eyes. After the treatment, he could read easily up to 4th line.

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